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Blanca Estela Chavez-Sandoval

Full Professor, UAM-Azc.

Tel. +(52) 5553189000 ext. 9076 Mobile: + (52) 1 5548101589


Dra. Blanca Estela Chavez-Sandoval, 42 years old, is a scientist Professor-Researcher working at Universidad AutónomaMetropolitana in Mexico City. She received her Ph.D. degree in Sciences and Environmental Engineering in 2015. During her PhD periodshe has focused her research on the Biosensors to detect pathogen microorganisms in water.  After a post-doctoral position at the Laboratory of Gene Therapy (2016-2017) at ENCB-IPN, she developed a technique to biosynthesize nanoparticles from plant extracts and evaluated the efficiency of the AuNPs as therapeutic gene transfer vehicles.


Since November 2002, her research activities are mainly centered on the role of Transposable Elements (ETs) the Mystery of mysteries: how new species are generated?


She is currently the secretary of the Mexican Transdisciplinary Association of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology A.C, which seeks to bring together professionals, students and entrepreneurs from different areas with a focus onnanoscience and nanotechnology worldwide, seeking transdisciplinarity.



Current Research 


  • Sinthesys, Characterization and evaluation of Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as vehicles for transfer of therapeutic genes

  • Sinthesys and photothermal characterization of nanoparticles

  • Biosensors, Genosensors

  • Nanomolecular processes to elucidate the Mystery of mysteries: how new species are generated? and the role of Transposable Elements (TEs)



International collaborations


  • PhD Lilian Milena Barandica Cañón (Cartagena de Indias University, Colombia)Biosensors, Genosensors.

  • PhD. José Abraham Balderas López (Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaia de Biotecnologpia, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, UPIBI-IPN, Mexico City), Sinthesys and photothermalcharacterizationofnanoparticles.

  • PhD. Miguel Ángel Antonio Ibáñez Hernández (Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ENCB-IPN, Mexico City) Sinthesys, Characterization and evaluationof Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as vehiclesfor transfer oftherapeutic genes.Biosensors, Genosensors.

  • PhD María Guadalupe Montes de OcaYemha and PhD Anatolio Martínez Jiménez (Universidad AutónomaMetropolitana UAM, Mexico City) Sinthesys, Characterization and evaluation of Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), their toxicity and applications to environment engeneering.

  • PhD Hugo J. Ávila Paredes and Ph D. Margarita González Brambila(Universidad AutónomaMetropolitana UAM, Mexico City)Use of MgO nanoparticles to optimize the production of lipids in microalgae and obtain biofuels biodiesel and biojetfuel

  • PhD. Francisco García Franco(Universidad AutónomaMetropolitana UAM, Mexico City)Biosensors, Genosensors, Nanomolecular processes to dilute the Mystery of mysteries: how new species are generated?



Conference Organization


  • Member of the organizing committee of theInternational Conference on Energy ICE 2015, Mexico City

  • Member of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Energy ICE 2017, Mexico City

  • Member of the organizing committee of theInternational Congress on Transdisciplinary Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ICTNN2018”, Mexico City.



Interested topics


  • Sinthesys and characterization of nanomaterials

  • Biosensors

  • Energy: Biofuels, Biophotovoltaic

  • Nanomolecular processes




Francisco García-Franco, PhD


Francisco García-Franco, PhD


Chemical Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering

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